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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

CNN Poll: 48% Say Depression Will Strike America

Think all of the people are sleeping; they do not know what is going on.

1/2 think depression will happen; the other half say not.... but the answer is.....we are there now!

Things will get much worst. But no one is asking the question why and what we need to do.

What is the answer?

The leaders all deny what is is not just economics, it is the choices that the people have made.

It is just going to get more costly.

Anyone with understanding? knowledge? experience? leadership? doing right?

Wiener shows the condition that Americak is in....and the people accept? big disappointment, but not a surprise.

There are answers to the issue, to the question, but America, is not ready yet to address the problem yet.

So....big surprise to come which will be an ouch! or maybe a big ouch for all and then the wonder why.

We will be all like G W Bush....asking the question again how did we get here?

Tell you.....GWB, we got here because of you and your buddy Obama with your big govt policies. Thanks a lot guys!

CNN Poll: 48% Say Depression Will Strike America

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