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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How “Social Proof” Helps Smart Investors

Wow! interesting story
How “Social Proof” Helps Smart Investors - Casey Research

Class A - Stocks Increasing Dividends for 50+ Years

Dividend Dynamos: Class A - Stocks Increasing Dividends for 50+ Years | The Dynamic Dividend

The Rutherford Institute: One Week in the Life of a Police State

The Rutherford Institute: One Week in the Life of a Police State

The Last Nail by Ron Paul

The Republic ....its over claims Ron Paul
The Last Nail by Ron Paul — With Documented Hyperlinks


Time to load up?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What happens when Greece defaults

Not a question of if, only a question of when
What happens when Greece defaults – Telegraph Blogs

Former Comptroller Walker: US in Worse Shape Than Italy, Spain

Former Comptroller Walker: US in Worse Shape Than Italy, Spain

Wow! UK taxes are pretty high

The UK government takes 50% of every £1 for basic tax payer earns and spends (i.e. income over £7,475, basic tax rate of 20%; VAT 20%). Wow that hurts. Now for those that are not basic tax payers, with top tax rate of is scary ouch! Time to get going.....
How to pay less tax: pensioners - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance

Doctor in the UK rapped for talking about God

Only in the UK! Hmmm..... seems people have a choice, but the State tries to censor and dictate, so there is no choice.
Video: GP rapped for talking about God with patient - Telegraph

College is a scam — so let’s make money off it

College is a scam — so let’s make money off it Outside the Box - MarketWatch

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Once bullish, contrarian Jim Grant likes cash now

Hold Cash. Interest rates going to 10%. Stocks prices will decline, they are generally overpriced. Gold, you should own some; however there is risk that gold could decline if rates move to 10% and stocks decline. However, gold is better than long term bonds, in particular US government bond   Was a bull, but now  contrarian Jim Grant likes cash now 

The Future of Microsoft?

A new leader of MSFT is required. MSFT has stalled.
The Future of Microsoft? No Bill Gates - Bloomberg

Where did all of the Trillions of Thin-Air Money Go?

Interesting discussion on oil, is there peak oil or not. A good question, where did all of the trillions of thin-air money go? It really has not gone to the economic growth, but we do see commodities costs increasing and as well, higher costs structure happening. Hmmm..... how did that happen and work? Our leader all promised us that there would be real economic growth by printing money.
Guest Post: Past Peak Oil - Why Time Is Now Short | zero hedge

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

3 budget woes bigger than the debt ceiling

The author said it well regarding the US government finances,"there is no good way for things to end".

It is all out of control and it will not stop until the financial melt down occurs. Most everyone, wants it to be that way, government employees, government leaders, unions, employees, big banks and big business (who love the big government assistance) and then there is over 50% of the population which gets paid by the government does not want things to change either. I agree, why change things now. It creates bit of pain now. So....humans although smart will continue in the historical path of self destruction.

8 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

8 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

15 High Dividend Yield Stocks With Excessive Bearish Options Sentiment

Contrarian Ideas: 15 High Dividend Yield Stocks With Excessive Bearish Options Sentiment - Seeking Alpha

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lifeguards Make $200K Annually

I missed this job opportunity - lifeguard making $200,000/year with pension at age 50 at 90%! Wow - should have been union government employee....but we all can nor should. We should be saying what is going on here!

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Orange County Lifeguards Make $200K Annually, Can Retire at Age 50 With 90% Pay

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jim Rogers: The dollar is set to rally now... but it's a "total disaster" in the long term

Jim Rogers: The dollar is set to rally now... but it's a "total disaster" in the long term
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
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From Bloomberg:
The U.S. dollar is going to be a "total disaster" in the long term because of the country's position as the world's largest debtor and the policies being pursued by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, according to investor Jim Rogers.

The Chinese yuan is likely to be a "safe" currency, although it is difficult for investors to buy, Rogers, the chairman of Rogers Holdings, told a conference in Edinburgh.

"The situation is getting worse and I expect to see severe problems in the U.S.," Rogers said today. "Dr Bernanke doesn't understand economics, he doesn't understand finance, he only understands printing money and we can't quadruple the amount of money in the next slowdown."

U.S. government debt is currently 93 percent of gross domestic product compared with 60 percent before the financial crisis and is set to rise further in the next few years. The dollar has fallen over the past year against every currency in a basket of 16 major currencies. The euro has gained about 7 percent against the dollar this year. It traded at $1.4311 as of 3:20 p.m. in London.

"I expect to see more currency turmoil maybe this fall, and more turmoil by 2013," said Rogers, who favors currencies and commodities. Rogers said he is currently buying the dollar because the market consensus is for the currency to fall.

Rogers said he is "short" emerging markets, except for China, and U.S. technology stocks as a hedge against his other positions.

"Bonds in the U.S. have been in a bull market for 30 years," said Rogers. "In my view that's coming to an end." Rogers is only buying government securities now because 95 percent of the market expects them to decline, he said.

Rogers said he couldn't forecast when the bull market in commodities will end. "I know the signs to look for," he said. "I hope I am smart enough to recognize them."

"Great fortunes" will be made in agriculture and alternative energies, such as solar power and wind, over the coming years, Rogers said.

To contact the reporters responsible for this story: Peter Woodifield in Edinburgh; Rodney Jefferson at

10 Stocks That Have Paid Dividends Since The 1800s

Best investment idea - growth dividend stocks. Buy more of them when they are down.
Dividend Growth Stocks: 10 Stocks That Have Paid Dividends Since The 1800s

Taxing Private Pension Plans

Ireland starting new way of raising taxes.....taxing private pensions.

That is just another central planner idea, that the government can invest / create jobs through taxation which will start the economy running again. is the government that is the problem. They run up huge credit card bill on current consumption. No value added process. This Should Scare Everyone in America

The Ultimate Prepper Bug Out Home

Cool house
The Ultimate Prepper Bug Out Home

Gold Standard to Return in Five Years

Steve Forbes: Gold Standard to Return in Five Years