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Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Course of Empire - Thomas Cole

The article on Empires on the Edge of Chaos (click for link to article below) refers to the Five paintings of Thomas Cole (1836) on The Course of Empire.  

Thomas Cole captures the theory of the ride and fall of an empire
There is the moral of all human tales;
'This but the same reheasal of the past
 First Freedom, and then Glory: when that fails
Wealth, vice, corruption

First - The Savage State
Thomas Cole: The Savage State
Followed by - The Arcadian or Pastoral State
Thomas Cole: The Savage State
Third - The Consummation of Empire
Thomas Cole: The Savage State
Followed by - Destruction
Thomas Cole: The Savage State
And Finally ....Desolation
Thomas Cole: The Savage State

Here is the link to the first painting then follow the links to the next four paintings.

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