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Friday, February 13, 2009

US House on Leave

13 members of the House (and their spouses, assistants and security enclave) are leaving Saturday for a nine-day vacation… oh sorry, “delegation”… to Europe. They’ll stop at NATO headquarters in Brussels to talk about NATO’s role in Afghanistan. Then off to Paris, where we presume even the 10 spouses coming will meet with the OECD. Then Vienna for a meeting with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Last, to Germany, where the group can meet with NATO again, this time to tour a new training facility.

Not one to miss out on the fun, Speaker Pelosi will leave for Rome tonight, presumably after the stimulus bill is passed. She’ll meet the Pope there and most of the Italian government, discuss Italy’s involvement in our efforts in the Middle East (say what?) and receive an award from an Italian legislative group. That’s great, really.


Its really ghood to see US Congress members get a break / rest after all their hard work spending taxpayers money.

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