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Monday, February 9, 2009

US Govt Bailouts and "stimulus" spending - $9.7 trillion so far

Should Congress pass the stimulus bill in its current form, the U.S. government will have dedicated $9.7 trillion to this bail out....

According to Bloomberg, that would be about $1 trillion in stimulus bills, over $3 trillion already spent or loaned trough financial rescues, and over $5 trillion committed or promised via some sort of backstop or aid agreement. We’re sure you could come up with some interesting ways to spend that much money… here are a few of ours:

  • $9.7 trillion could have bought 90% of all U.S. mortgages
  • The same amount would cover all but a trillion of our national debt
  • The government could have written a $1,430 check to every living person in on planet Earth
  • $9.7 trillion would even buy you every single stock on the New York Stock Exchange.
Hmmm....but the Govt. Planners know better than the people as how spend their money.

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