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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

$263,000 per that is Stimulus!

Stimulus: Say this for the $787 billion behemoth that Congress voted on Friday -- never in our history has a more important vote been cast on legislation with so little scrutiny. Couldn't they at least read the thing before voting on it? The 1,434-page bill is, in a word, massive. It's full of details that deserve to be given a close look before anyone votes. ... The bill that President Obama called 'the largest change in domestic policy since the 1930s' was jammed down Congress' throat, breaking almost all the promises of bipartisanship and transparency along the way. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed to give members of Congress at least 48 hours to look at the historic legislation before them. After all, the bill will spend the equivalent of nearly 9% of our GDP while adding $1.2 trillion to our national debt. Obama vows to 'create or save' 3.5 million jobs at a cost of $263,000 per job. Shouldn't it get even a little bit of scrutiny? Apparently not. ... Why the haste? Surely one reason is the bill is stuffed with pork and short of real stimulus. Its authors don't want the details out. They shouldn't be surprised, then, when voters bridle at what they've been saddled with." --Investor's Business Daily

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