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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Scientists Find God

Belief in God (and His Son, Jesus) improves life now (see link below); then there is the additional evidence (history and physical) that there is God or then, you might think not.  But why would you want to take any chance or risk?

Where could you be, say 75 years from now?  What is the risk / reward?  If life is improved now, then that sort of ends the discussion.  But then there is also the upside...just where could you be 75 years from now....for maybe what could be an eternity?  What are the risks you are willing to take and why? 

I am confused as to the reasons people reject God.  Logically, it does not make any sense due to the risk / reward equation.     

Scientists Find God: "Scientists Find God

A group of University of Toronto scientists has found that belief in God relieves stress and induces happiness.
'Religion provides meaning in people's lives,' noted Michael Inzlicht, a psychology professor at Toronto who participated in running tests on what relieves stress in people.
- Source: The Globe and Mail, 03/05/09"

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