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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Solar Power at Night ? « Watts Up With That?

This is power being supplied at night! 

Some enterprising Spaniards figured it out.....they took advantage of the EU's generous green-energy subsidies to set up and operate a solar energy array. The subsidies were so generous, in fact, that the operators figured out a way to produce solar energy at night: by using diesel generators to shine great, big halogen lights on the panels!

You too can generate energy with your solar system at night, all you need is an 850 million candlepower WWII era searchlight, now available for rent.

In time, even the government bureaucrats were able to figure out that there must be something amiss with a solar power operation that can produce energy in the dead of night.

 see link....

The insanity of greenery « Watts Up With That?

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