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Friday, May 8, 2009

The Great Re-Leveraging - Markets Going Up

The title gives me phase to think. really could be.

Are we prepared, positioned? Things have really changed over the last 1-2 months. How much have you gotten of this move up? Were you positioned for it....the indicators were all there.

Interest rates are effectively close to zero and have been for months. I have been asking what about other investments; corporate bonds, convertibles, trusts and REITs there has to be some great opportunities. But my advisors had nothing....Hmmm.... (not happy)

There has been some great yields....and opportunities. Timing and stops are everything.

There is lots of monies that have been setting on the side lines...and lot more being added by government printing presses. It looks like these funds are flowing back into the markets, and things should be moving up. The trend is up.

But the markets have moved up for about 8 weeks is due for a correction. But it is only a correction on this leg up to higher levels.

However, all is not safe, caution is required. This is a Bear Market and it is a Bear Rally, which is due for a short term correction.

Technical indicators went Long mid March (I passed on it....but they were right!)

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