Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
That appears to be the Obama Administration’s latest tactic to achieve greater government control over liberty, the economy, and mankind’s ability to tread water. And again, it’s with phony science. Anxieties were raised last week to the highest levels yet about islands sinking into the sea, the elimination of entire nations, and even the reduction of coastlines to certain U.S. states if, of course, carbon emissions are not immediately reduced.
According to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, the earth's temperature is rising so fast that a “very, very scary” scenario will unfold. Island nations, especially those in the Caribbean, may disappear. Portions of Louisiana and Florida will go underwater, reducing the size of those states. New Orleans will be flooded. Said the Secretary, “I think the Caribbean countries face rising oceans and they face increase in the severity of hurricanes. This is something that is very, very scary to all of us. The island states in the world represent—I remember this number—one-half of 1 percent of the carbon emissions in the world. And they will—some of them will disappear.”
Fortunately for the American people, the fragile economy, and beachgoers everywhere, Mr. Chu’s alarming prediction is based upon a faulty hypothesis: Melting ice caps would cause sea levels to rise. They would not. This is scientifically falsifiable claim. It is, in fact, provably false.
As a matter of fact, ice displaces more water than does its liquid counterpart. According to Chemistry.About.com, “Ice floats because it is about 9% less dense than liquid water. In other words, ice takes up about 9% more space than water…” Therefore, ice—which expands when it freezes—takes up less space when it melts, and could not result in sea levels rising.One could even prove it. If Mr. Chu’s hypothesis is correct, then one should be able to fill up a glass of water, add some ice, place it in the sun, and then watch as the glass overflows. But it does not. In fact, the volume decreases. Therefore, Mr. Chu’s claim is falsified by a simple experiment. He would not even pass a 7th grade earth science exam.
The only way for the sea levels to rise is if enough water melted off of land masses. To make matters worse for the Hot Earthers, some 97.5 percent of the water is already in the seas and oceans. And for the remaining 2.5 percent to find its way to the oceans is actually impossible, since much of that will always be water vapor trapped in the atmosphere. Also, topography plays a role: Given the presence of lakes, it is clear that not all water has an outlet to the sea. Another obstacle is plate tectonics: How far will mountain ranges be raised by rising plates, thus trapping more water in the form of snow and ice on mountain peaks?
These are all factors that make sea levels rising at an alarming pace impossible. There is no cause for governmental policies to turn back the tides. King Canute could not do it, and neither can Uncle Sam.
More on this from GetLiberty.Org
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