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Friday, June 29, 2012

Big Banks Have Become Mafia-Style Criminal Enterprises - Washington's Blog

Big Banks Have Become Mafia-Style Criminal Enterprises - Washington's Blog

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Use a Computer, Go to Jail

Use a Computer, Go to Jail -

Robot Hand Beats You at Rock, Paper, Scissors 100% Of The Time - IEEE Spectrum

Robot Hand Beats You at Rock, Paper, Scissors 100% Of The Time - IEEE Spectrum

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

61 Easy Ways To Lose Weight

Some good easy ideas.
61 Easy Ways To Lose Weight | ThePostGame

Yamana Gold Gives Shareholders Yet Another Big Raise | The Dynamic Dividend

Yamana Gold Gives Shareholders Yet Another Big Raise | The Dynamic Dividend

25 Things To Always Have With You

25 Things To Always Have With You

Cliff Asness' Cliff Notes To Progressive America | ZeroHedge

Cliff Asness, head of the quant hedge fund AQR, has been known to be a vocal opponent of various failed governmental policies in the past few years. Today, he has shared his "dictionary" (of "humorous" persuasion as he himself notes, with definitions "written sarcastically as a faux left-winger, some just conservative/libertarian interpretations of what the left really means.") of the key terms dominant in Progressive America right now. In a world in which other people's money has pretty much run out.

Cliff Asness' Cliff Notes To Progressive America | ZeroHedge

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pat Boone: Obama's Plan to Raise Estate Tax is 'Robbery'

Pat Boone: Obama's Plan to Raise Estate Tax is 'Robbery'

Fraud Attempt by Familia Camerena 246579

Interesting new attempt of fraud.  Got a letter from an outfit K916R Familia Camerena 246579.  They requested me to send them my birthdate and signature.   What goofs....bunch of low life people trying to scam and steal.  How can they live, what sort of self respect do they have?  They are all losers, living out their poor miserable lives in darkness, probably puking whenever they see themselves in the mirror.