Economic and Financial Thoughts and Comments
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Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Gold Market on U.S. Elections: So What?
Yup, I got to agree, the election in November does not really matter; whether it is Demo or GOP. Americans are looking for easy answers. There is none. So result will be only big disappointment. And then the "fun" will start! Hang on for real change.
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Gold Market on U.S. Elections: So What?
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Gold Market on U.S. Elections: So What?
Climate Change is Fraud
Climate change is a big business fraud on the people.
Professor Emiritus Hal Lewis Resigns from American Physical Society – reasonmclucus - My Telegraph
Professor Emiritus Hal Lewis Resigns from American Physical Society – reasonmclucus - My Telegraph
Permabear to English Translation Guide
The PermaBear to English Translation Guide
Apple: A fictitious company that does not exist.
BLS: A secret society of mathematicians and statistical wonks conspiring to falsify economic data, formerly known as the the sect of Opus Dei; See also Birth Death Adjustment.
Bernanke, Ben: Beelzebub
Bonds: An asset class that will eventually be worthless paper as its value is inflated away, but in the meantime, are a good alternative to equities.
Bubble: A catchall phrase used to describe any market not in freefall.
China: The centrally planned communist economy that is the model for Free Market Economies in the West. alt. An idealized form of Capitalism;
Death Cross: The most reliable and certain technical formation known to man. See also Golden Cross: An old wives’ tale, not to paid attention to or taken seriously at all.
Depression: The current state of economic affairs; See also Pornography.
European Union (EU): A soon to be dissolved association of Socialist states, whose sole purpose is to mislead investors into believing the United States is (comparatively) fiscally responsible. See alsoEuroFASB: A criminal legal enterprise of accountants whose members help banks hide massive losses;
Fiat Currency: The root of all evil
FOMC: Fertilizer for the root of all evil
Gold: A shiny yellow metal used primarily as an excuse for missing a generational rally in equities.
Google: See Apple
Greece: A nation of tax cheats that will lead to the dissolution of the EU;
Greenspan, Alan: Lucifer
Housing Bottom: A theoretical but mathematically impossible construct.
Hindenburg Omen: A common pick up line at permabear cocktail parties, good for for attracting sexual partners but of little use for anything else.Vernacular: “Did you see another Hindenburg Omen signal was given today?”
Hyper-Inflation: The eventual fate of all humanity due to the existence of central banks.
Inflation: The precursor condition to Hyper-Inflation.
Japan: A large manufacturing island in the Pacific, whose decades-long recession is the inevitable model for the United States
Money Supply: ?, an imaginary number.
New Normal: A combination of contracting credit availability, stubborn unemployment and US consumer de-leveraging; See also 1930s, 1950s, 1970s (aka Old Normal).
Overbought: The normal state of equity markets;
Oversold: A theoretical market condition last seen in 1982.
P&L: We don’t talk about that.
POMO: An acronym used by rookie traders in failed attempts to explain the “mysterious” impact of massive liquidity on equities.
QE2: A code word or shorthand for the event that has been prophesied to bring about the End of the World. Interchangeable with “Apocalypse” as Perma-bears regard both its coming and its destructive power as a quasi-religious inevitability. See also POMO
Recession: See Depression
Risk On: Any Bull market
Rosenberg, David: A minor deity amongst the Perma-bear faithful. The very mention of his name causes a reverential hush to fall over the gathered masses as they hungrily devour his latest proclamations of death and dismemberment. See also Roubini, Faber, Rogers, Cassandra, et. al.
Stress Test: Hoax or Conspiracy
Subprime: The state of all credit in the US
Tony Robbins: The newest economic sage to warn of the coming economic apocalypse, most recently during August 2010; See also John Tudor Jones.
Unemployment: An irreversible condition, symptomatic of declining empires. Hence the reason no one in Great Britain ever found a job again after the 1830?s.
Uptrend: Not found.
Permabear to English Translation Guide
Apple: A fictitious company that does not exist.
BLS: A secret society of mathematicians and statistical wonks conspiring to falsify economic data, formerly known as the the sect of Opus Dei; See also Birth Death Adjustment.
Bernanke, Ben: Beelzebub
Bonds: An asset class that will eventually be worthless paper as its value is inflated away, but in the meantime, are a good alternative to equities.
Bubble: A catchall phrase used to describe any market not in freefall.
China: The centrally planned communist economy that is the model for Free Market Economies in the West. alt. An idealized form of Capitalism;
Death Cross: The most reliable and certain technical formation known to man. See also Golden Cross: An old wives’ tale, not to paid attention to or taken seriously at all.
Depression: The current state of economic affairs; See also Pornography.
European Union (EU): A soon to be dissolved association of Socialist states, whose sole purpose is to mislead investors into believing the United States is (comparatively) fiscally responsible. See alsoEuroFASB: A criminal legal enterprise of accountants whose members help banks hide massive losses;
Fiat Currency: The root of all evil
FOMC: Fertilizer for the root of all evil
Gold: A shiny yellow metal used primarily as an excuse for missing a generational rally in equities.
Google: See Apple
Greece: A nation of tax cheats that will lead to the dissolution of the EU;
Greenspan, Alan: Lucifer
Housing Bottom: A theoretical but mathematically impossible construct.
Hindenburg Omen: A common pick up line at permabear cocktail parties, good for for attracting sexual partners but of little use for anything else.Vernacular: “Did you see another Hindenburg Omen signal was given today?”
Hyper-Inflation: The eventual fate of all humanity due to the existence of central banks.
Inflation: The precursor condition to Hyper-Inflation.
Japan: A large manufacturing island in the Pacific, whose decades-long recession is the inevitable model for the United States
Money Supply: ?, an imaginary number.
New Normal: A combination of contracting credit availability, stubborn unemployment and US consumer de-leveraging; See also 1930s, 1950s, 1970s (aka Old Normal).
Overbought: The normal state of equity markets;
Oversold: A theoretical market condition last seen in 1982.
P&L: We don’t talk about that.
POMO: An acronym used by rookie traders in failed attempts to explain the “mysterious” impact of massive liquidity on equities.
QE2: A code word or shorthand for the event that has been prophesied to bring about the End of the World. Interchangeable with “Apocalypse” as Perma-bears regard both its coming and its destructive power as a quasi-religious inevitability. See also POMO
Recession: See Depression
Risk On: Any Bull market
Rosenberg, David: A minor deity amongst the Perma-bear faithful. The very mention of his name causes a reverential hush to fall over the gathered masses as they hungrily devour his latest proclamations of death and dismemberment. See also Roubini, Faber, Rogers, Cassandra, et. al.
Stress Test: Hoax or Conspiracy
Subprime: The state of all credit in the US
Tony Robbins: The newest economic sage to warn of the coming economic apocalypse, most recently during August 2010; See also John Tudor Jones.
Unemployment: An irreversible condition, symptomatic of declining empires. Hence the reason no one in Great Britain ever found a job again after the 1830?s.
Uptrend: Not found.
Permabear to English Translation Guide
McHugh's Expanded Weekend Market Report, October 16, 2010
From McHugh
Friday's internals were weak, in spite of being a mixed market. The NASDAQ 100 had a huge price move up, but a significant chunk of the price gain came from one stock, Google. Google rose $60.52 per share, or 11.10 percent, in one day, Friday. Google is one of those stocks that a market manipulator can buy to move an index in the hopes it starts bandwagon buying. During the 2003 and 2006 rallies, we saw MMM move the Industrials with bizarre isolated rising price days. At the time, it appeared to us a market manipulator was moving the Industrials higher with 3M purchases. From time to time we see concerted efforts to push markets higher. Now is one of those times. But each time this happens, it causes the subsequent decline to be worse than would otherwise have been the case, like stretching a rubber band too far. The snapback is nasty. Deep pockets can only delay the inevitable. They cannot stop it. Quantitative Easing talk is raising expectations for liquidity infusions that people think will seep into stock markets. Hedge funds are buying stocks ahead of the actual Quantitative Easing from the Fed. QE2 is simply a fancy name for the Federal Reserve printing U.S. Dollars and buying fixed income securities from large Wall Street firms, buying junk bonds, corporate bonds, mortgage backed securities or Treasuries. It is essentially a fraud on U.S. Dollar holders, is a fraud on the taxpaying U.S. Consumer and Small Business, a fraud on the working person who has to get his money through hard labor. We will discuss this further later, and why this policy will destroy what is left of this fragile economy, and will eventually help drive stock market values down toward zero, and drive the U.S. Dollar down toward 40ish. QE2 is wonderful for large Wall Street firms' short-term profits. They love it. Imagine having a business where the Federal Reserve is interested in helping you make as much money as possible at the expense of everyone else? That is QE2.
We learned Friday that the U.S. Federal Deficit for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30th, 2010, was $1.3 trillion. With a total Federal Budget of $3.5 trillion, this means that for every dollar spent by the Federal Government, they had to borrow 37 cents to cover that expense. Can you imagine running your household or small business like that? You would go bankrupt in short order.
Quantitative Easing will some day be looked back upon as we now look at healing the sick through bleeding back in the 1700s. It is terrible economic policy, in fact should be considered criminal activity. Criminal for many reasons, such as debasing the value of the Dollar, but more importantly because it will be the final nail that destroys our economy. Wall Street is the key beneficiary. Households (consumers) which account for 70 percent of GDP, and small businesses, which account for 70 percent of employment, will not benefit from this fraudulent activity by the Federal Reserve. Where on earth is it right for someone to print trillions of Dollars out of thin air and then buy legitimate legally binding debt instruments in exchange for this printed paper? Anyone else doing this would be arrested and thrown in jail, with the key tossed into the deep blue sea.
But forgetting that this is probably a criminal act, and assuming that it is legally acceptable because the Central Planners enact legislation to permit QE2, let's explore why it is a fraud on pretty much everyone except the sellers of the fixed income securities the Fed will be buying, primarily mega Wall Street firms, surrogates for the president's Working Group (the Plunge Protection Team).
Bernanke suggested in his speech in Boston Friday on the subject of QE2, that he is justified in doing this to raise the inflation rate, which he believes is too low, and to increase employment. His economics are dead wrong. He believes it is perfectly appropriate to print trillions of dollars of U.S. Federal Reserve notes (Dollars) out of thin air, and then send this money from the Fed's print shop across the invisible wall that separates the real economy from the non-economy (the Fed) to the lucky recipients of this cash. Here is the problem: This transfer of printed cash for securities in the market are normally known as open market operations, and the point of this exercise is to lower interest rates in the market to spur lending and filter cash through Wall Street intermediaries to banks to borrowers which would stimulate the economy and multiply the money supply in the market. However, short-term interest rates are already zero, and long-term interest rates are at historic lows. So QE2 will not reduce interest rates. Therefore it will not increase borrowing. Therefore it will not multiply the money supply or spur spending, ergo it will not improve GDP, will not help households or small businesses. The cash will simply move from the Fed to Wall Street where the mega banks can then leverage their investing and trading activities which will improve their short-term profits. There will be no trickle down benefits to households or small businesses. Without benefits to households or small businesses, there will be no improvement in spending (GDP) or employment.
What will result from QE2 is the devaluation of the U.S. Dollar as there will be too many Dollars floating around, in relation to hard assets such as precious metals, and foreign currencies. This reduces the purchasing power of Dollars, and reduces the value of cash in bank accounts. In other words, the consumer gets hurt.
The only way QE2 makes any sense at all is if it is conducted in such a way that the cash being printed by the Fed finds its way directly into the hands of households and small businesses, instead of Wall Street. The only way for this to happen is if newly issued debt from the U.S. Treasury is sold to the Fed for newly printed Dollars, and then the trillions of QE2 Dollars sent to the Treasury from the Fed are sent directly to U.S. Households in the form of a massive income tax rebate, and tax cut, with a minimum amount of $50,000 rebated to every household, since many good folks did not have jobs over the past few years to receive rebated taxes. Then half the income tax rebates, which would be ideally two years worth, would be required to pay down debt, with the other half available to be used at households' discretion. The result would be an immediate improvement in household and bank balance sheets, and an increase in comsumer spending (GDP). This would increase small business revenue, which would increase hiring, which would result in an increase in demand for large firms' products and services, which would mean more investment banking business for Wall Street. The economy would grow, increasing the overall pie for all to share and prosper, with a resultant corresponding desirable modest level of inflation. Local, State and Federal governments would benefit immensely as they get an increase in tax revenues from the trickle up economic growth, capturing taxes at every level of spending, which can be used to reduce government deficits and debt. Stock Markets would rise as corporate revenues and profits rise.
If the intent of QE2 fails to include the household, it should not be allowed to happen. Congress must put a stop to QE2 immediately, and require a full explanation of the intended program before Bernanke destroys our economy. There should be an open debate in Congress on the merits of QE2, with testimony from all interested parties, in front of television cameras, for the American public to study before QE2 is effectuated. This is not something the Fed should conduct in secret. This is new turf, new territory for the Fed, and warrants careful scrutiny. The Justice Department needs to study if in fact the Fed is legally empowered to conduct QE2. This is serious stuff, an intentional devaluation of the U.S. Dollar, and thus needs to be treated as such. Intelligent, thoughtful contemplation is essential in an open public forum. Households and small businesses need to be able to weigh in by calling their congressional representatives before QE2 happens. QE2 should require an act of Congress. The Fed should not be allowed to do this on their own.
Unfortunately, the language of the markets, price patterns and indicators, have been warning for months that the U.S. Dollar is headed to 40ish (it knew QE2 was coming), and is telling us the stock market will react very badly once QE2 starts.
It does not look like there is any stopping QE2. The Central Planners are convinced that the more they do, the more control they take, the more they couch their activities with terminology that makes it impossible for the average Joe and Mary to understand what they are doing, the more they involve mega Wall Street firms in their fixes, the better. It is becoming very difficult to know if the Central Planners are simply misguided in their policies, that their intentions are good, that they really care about households and small businesses and the economy, or is this all an intentional game to benefit only the few large and powerful Wall Street banks, to build an oligarchy of Centralized power by design. That is for those who can figure out the schemes to decide for themselves.
The market's language, technical analysis, suggests that regardless of intention, mistakes will be conducted, and the worst will occur.
This weekend we see that the Bearish Divergences between stock prices and the 10 day average of Advancers/Decliners are worsening, extending, which is a leading indicator warning that a nasty stock market decline, albeit delayed, is coming.
We got a new Sell Signal in the VIX on Wednesday, as the VIX closed back inside its upper and lower Bollinger Bands Wednesday, and remains in effect this weekend. Sell Signals in the VIX have been very reliable and led to sharp declines over the past three years, however we did not get a sharp decline after September 7th, 2010's VIX Sell. For two consecutive VIX Sell Signals to fail in a row would be extremely rare, so the odds are that today's Sell Signal will lead to a sharp decline, starting sometime over the next week. Sometimes VIX Sell Signals come early. We show charts of these Sell Signals over the past three years and the subsequent declines on pages 10 through 13 in this weekend's newsletter to subscribers.
Both Gold and the HUI Mining Stocks Index hit new All-time Record Highs Thursday, October 14th, 2010, great for our Conservative Portfolio.
Friday's internals were weak, in spite of being a mixed market. The NASDAQ 100 had a huge price move up, but a significant chunk of the price gain came from one stock, Google. Google rose $60.52 per share, or 11.10 percent, in one day, Friday. Google is one of those stocks that a market manipulator can buy to move an index in the hopes it starts bandwagon buying. During the 2003 and 2006 rallies, we saw MMM move the Industrials with bizarre isolated rising price days. At the time, it appeared to us a market manipulator was moving the Industrials higher with 3M purchases. From time to time we see concerted efforts to push markets higher. Now is one of those times. But each time this happens, it causes the subsequent decline to be worse than would otherwise have been the case, like stretching a rubber band too far. The snapback is nasty. Deep pockets can only delay the inevitable. They cannot stop it. Quantitative Easing talk is raising expectations for liquidity infusions that people think will seep into stock markets. Hedge funds are buying stocks ahead of the actual Quantitative Easing from the Fed. QE2 is simply a fancy name for the Federal Reserve printing U.S. Dollars and buying fixed income securities from large Wall Street firms, buying junk bonds, corporate bonds, mortgage backed securities or Treasuries. It is essentially a fraud on U.S. Dollar holders, is a fraud on the taxpaying U.S. Consumer and Small Business, a fraud on the working person who has to get his money through hard labor. We will discuss this further later, and why this policy will destroy what is left of this fragile economy, and will eventually help drive stock market values down toward zero, and drive the U.S. Dollar down toward 40ish. QE2 is wonderful for large Wall Street firms' short-term profits. They love it. Imagine having a business where the Federal Reserve is interested in helping you make as much money as possible at the expense of everyone else? That is QE2.
We learned Friday that the U.S. Federal Deficit for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30th, 2010, was $1.3 trillion. With a total Federal Budget of $3.5 trillion, this means that for every dollar spent by the Federal Government, they had to borrow 37 cents to cover that expense. Can you imagine running your household or small business like that? You would go bankrupt in short order.
Quantitative Easing will some day be looked back upon as we now look at healing the sick through bleeding back in the 1700s. It is terrible economic policy, in fact should be considered criminal activity. Criminal for many reasons, such as debasing the value of the Dollar, but more importantly because it will be the final nail that destroys our economy. Wall Street is the key beneficiary. Households (consumers) which account for 70 percent of GDP, and small businesses, which account for 70 percent of employment, will not benefit from this fraudulent activity by the Federal Reserve. Where on earth is it right for someone to print trillions of Dollars out of thin air and then buy legitimate legally binding debt instruments in exchange for this printed paper? Anyone else doing this would be arrested and thrown in jail, with the key tossed into the deep blue sea.
But forgetting that this is probably a criminal act, and assuming that it is legally acceptable because the Central Planners enact legislation to permit QE2, let's explore why it is a fraud on pretty much everyone except the sellers of the fixed income securities the Fed will be buying, primarily mega Wall Street firms, surrogates for the president's Working Group (the Plunge Protection Team).
Bernanke suggested in his speech in Boston Friday on the subject of QE2, that he is justified in doing this to raise the inflation rate, which he believes is too low, and to increase employment. His economics are dead wrong. He believes it is perfectly appropriate to print trillions of dollars of U.S. Federal Reserve notes (Dollars) out of thin air, and then send this money from the Fed's print shop across the invisible wall that separates the real economy from the non-economy (the Fed) to the lucky recipients of this cash. Here is the problem: This transfer of printed cash for securities in the market are normally known as open market operations, and the point of this exercise is to lower interest rates in the market to spur lending and filter cash through Wall Street intermediaries to banks to borrowers which would stimulate the economy and multiply the money supply in the market. However, short-term interest rates are already zero, and long-term interest rates are at historic lows. So QE2 will not reduce interest rates. Therefore it will not increase borrowing. Therefore it will not multiply the money supply or spur spending, ergo it will not improve GDP, will not help households or small businesses. The cash will simply move from the Fed to Wall Street where the mega banks can then leverage their investing and trading activities which will improve their short-term profits. There will be no trickle down benefits to households or small businesses. Without benefits to households or small businesses, there will be no improvement in spending (GDP) or employment.
What will result from QE2 is the devaluation of the U.S. Dollar as there will be too many Dollars floating around, in relation to hard assets such as precious metals, and foreign currencies. This reduces the purchasing power of Dollars, and reduces the value of cash in bank accounts. In other words, the consumer gets hurt.
The only way QE2 makes any sense at all is if it is conducted in such a way that the cash being printed by the Fed finds its way directly into the hands of households and small businesses, instead of Wall Street. The only way for this to happen is if newly issued debt from the U.S. Treasury is sold to the Fed for newly printed Dollars, and then the trillions of QE2 Dollars sent to the Treasury from the Fed are sent directly to U.S. Households in the form of a massive income tax rebate, and tax cut, with a minimum amount of $50,000 rebated to every household, since many good folks did not have jobs over the past few years to receive rebated taxes. Then half the income tax rebates, which would be ideally two years worth, would be required to pay down debt, with the other half available to be used at households' discretion. The result would be an immediate improvement in household and bank balance sheets, and an increase in comsumer spending (GDP). This would increase small business revenue, which would increase hiring, which would result in an increase in demand for large firms' products and services, which would mean more investment banking business for Wall Street. The economy would grow, increasing the overall pie for all to share and prosper, with a resultant corresponding desirable modest level of inflation. Local, State and Federal governments would benefit immensely as they get an increase in tax revenues from the trickle up economic growth, capturing taxes at every level of spending, which can be used to reduce government deficits and debt. Stock Markets would rise as corporate revenues and profits rise.
If the intent of QE2 fails to include the household, it should not be allowed to happen. Congress must put a stop to QE2 immediately, and require a full explanation of the intended program before Bernanke destroys our economy. There should be an open debate in Congress on the merits of QE2, with testimony from all interested parties, in front of television cameras, for the American public to study before QE2 is effectuated. This is not something the Fed should conduct in secret. This is new turf, new territory for the Fed, and warrants careful scrutiny. The Justice Department needs to study if in fact the Fed is legally empowered to conduct QE2. This is serious stuff, an intentional devaluation of the U.S. Dollar, and thus needs to be treated as such. Intelligent, thoughtful contemplation is essential in an open public forum. Households and small businesses need to be able to weigh in by calling their congressional representatives before QE2 happens. QE2 should require an act of Congress. The Fed should not be allowed to do this on their own.
Unfortunately, the language of the markets, price patterns and indicators, have been warning for months that the U.S. Dollar is headed to 40ish (it knew QE2 was coming), and is telling us the stock market will react very badly once QE2 starts.
It does not look like there is any stopping QE2. The Central Planners are convinced that the more they do, the more control they take, the more they couch their activities with terminology that makes it impossible for the average Joe and Mary to understand what they are doing, the more they involve mega Wall Street firms in their fixes, the better. It is becoming very difficult to know if the Central Planners are simply misguided in their policies, that their intentions are good, that they really care about households and small businesses and the economy, or is this all an intentional game to benefit only the few large and powerful Wall Street banks, to build an oligarchy of Centralized power by design. That is for those who can figure out the schemes to decide for themselves.
The market's language, technical analysis, suggests that regardless of intention, mistakes will be conducted, and the worst will occur.
This weekend we see that the Bearish Divergences between stock prices and the 10 day average of Advancers/Decliners are worsening, extending, which is a leading indicator warning that a nasty stock market decline, albeit delayed, is coming.
We got a new Sell Signal in the VIX on Wednesday, as the VIX closed back inside its upper and lower Bollinger Bands Wednesday, and remains in effect this weekend. Sell Signals in the VIX have been very reliable and led to sharp declines over the past three years, however we did not get a sharp decline after September 7th, 2010's VIX Sell. For two consecutive VIX Sell Signals to fail in a row would be extremely rare, so the odds are that today's Sell Signal will lead to a sharp decline, starting sometime over the next week. Sometimes VIX Sell Signals come early. We show charts of these Sell Signals over the past three years and the subsequent declines on pages 10 through 13 in this weekend's newsletter to subscribers.
Both Gold and the HUI Mining Stocks Index hit new All-time Record Highs Thursday, October 14th, 2010, great for our Conservative Portfolio.
Barrick Gold,
Bear Markets,
Ben Bernanke,
Central Banks,
Printing money,
Quantitative Easing,
UN abandon US dollar
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
These guys have plans.....
Joel Rosenberg’s Weblog
Joel Rosenberg’s Weblog
Jim Grant: The World Is Abandoning the US Dollar
The dollar has seen its time. There could be a bounce, but really, no one trust the US. They just don't get it.
Jim Grant: The World Is Abandoning the US Dollar
Jim Grant: The World Is Abandoning the US Dollar
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Folly of Competitive Currency Devaluations - Casey's Daily Dispatch
As well as the folly of currency devaluations, a very good article on the folly of climate change.
Heads up....
The Folly of Competitive Currency Devaluations - Casey's Daily Dispatch
Heads up....
The Folly of Competitive Currency Devaluations - Casey's Daily Dispatch
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
No Way Out - Casey Research
You have been warned.
No Way Out - Casey Research
No Way Out - Casey Research
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Daniel Hannan MEP, possibly the sanest man on the planet: part 3/3
A great British stateman advising Americans
YouTube - Daniel Hannan MEP, possibly the sanest man on the planet: part 3/3
YouTube - Daniel Hannan MEP, possibly the sanest man on the planet: part 3/3
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
US 'Practically Owned' by China so Buy Gold
John Paulson has 80% of his assets in Gold. Wow!!
Analyst: US 'Practically Owned' by China so Buy Gold
Analyst: US 'Practically Owned' by China so Buy Gold
Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: History of Socialism from Marx to Obama | Yuri N. Maltsev
How Socialism works....from some one that has been there
YouTube - Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: History of Socialism from Marx to Obama Yuri N. Maltsev
YouTube - Traveling Down the Road to Serfdom: History of Socialism from Marx to Obama Yuri N. Maltsev
The Dawn of the Super Cyber Weapon
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